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Victor Habinshuti's Online Memorial Photo

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Memorial Biography

Victor was born on March 13, 1986, in Kigali Rwanda to Abidan Habinshuti and Esther Iryivuze. He lost his parents during the genocide and was later raised by his aunt and uncle. In 1999, Victor and his family immigrated to the United States where they settled in Buffalo, NY. Victor started high school at Hutchison Technical Institute and graduated in 2004. He then pursued a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Buffalo and a Master’s in Engineering from Purdue University. He recently was working for Raytheon Company in Massachusetts.

Victor made it his mission to travel and tell the world his story. He was recognized by several organizations for his charity work and public service towards those less fortunate. He is survived by his family. We invite you to add photos or testimonials you may have about his life on this page.

We have also created a charity fund to raise money for causes Victor used to champion. Please donate if you can. All proceeds go to charity. Charity Fund

Due to the restrictions related to this period of social distancing, the family is organizing a virtual meeting on Tuesday, February 2nd. 

Tribute to forever missed Victor Habinshuti

Time: Tuesday, Feb 2nd
3pm ET (New York Time)
9pm CET (Paris Time)
10pm CAT (Kigali Time)

Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83306239635?pwd=ekZORktKYVhqUW9pc0Y2WXR5dFNKUT09
Meeting ID: 833 0623 9635
Code: 893540

From mobile devices:
+1-346-248-7799,,83306239635#,,,,*893540# USA (Houston)
+1-646-558-8656,,83306239635#,,,,*893540# USA (New York)

From phone:
+1 346 248 7799 USA (Houston)
+1 646 558 8656 USA (New York)
+1 669 900 9128 USA (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 USA (Tacoma)
+1 301 715 8592 USA (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 USA (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 833 0623 9635
Code: 893540

The Funeral Program

Time: Friday, Feb 5th (5-8pm)
Location: Amigone funeral home
8440 Main St, Clarence, NY 14221

Vigil Mass
Time: Saturday, Feb 6th (10-11am)
Livestream: https://vimeo.com/event/491884
Location: Nativity church
8500 Main St, Clarence NY 14221

Time: Saturday, Feb 6th (11-12pm)
Location: Ridge Lawn Cemetery,
800 Pine Ridge Heritage, Cheektowaga NY 14225
(GPS location - Burial Plot)